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Templates explained

How to make the most out of Templates in Folderly.

Sasha Dolishchuk avatar
Written by Sasha Dolishchuk
Updated over 10 months ago

This article provides valuable advice on improving deliverability by using appropriate templates. Discover tips and tricks to enhance your email performance.

How to choose a template?

Please ensure that your outreach emails are reflected accurately in Folderly. This is crucial. The templates used should resemble the emails you would typically send to your intended recipients, as closely as possible.

What template to add?

To streamline your cold outreach email campaign, Folderly only requires the initial message you send to your prospects. No need for follow-up messages. If you're conducting A/B testing for the first email, include both templates.

For your marketing emails to subscribers, it's best to include a maximum of three frequently used email templates.

What should be in the template?

It's possible that your automation tool automatically adds a signature, but Folderly does not. To ensure a complete signature, please add it manually at the end of the Folderly template.

What shouldn't be in the template?

When using templates that include personalized fields like {First Name}, {Company}, {Title}, {Last purchase date}, etc, it's important to replace them with an actual example. Folderly won't do this automatically.

πŸ’‘Quick tip. To ensure that your email contains your signature and actual content instead of placeholders, a great idea is to send it from the automation tool to yourself, and then copy and paste it to Folderly.

Should templates be updated?

Remember to update your Folderly templates whenever you make changes to your outreach strategy or templates. It's important that Folderly accurately reflects what you're doing in your actual outreach efforts.

How many spam words are allowed in the template?

The less is more. If you notice one or two instances of spam words in a template, it's not a significant issue. However, if there are three or more, we recommend that you replace them or rephrase the sentences.

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